

Epidaurus Edition

PhD Architect Pablo Berzal Cruz

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Theatre Studies, University of Peloponnese

Open to all students in the Department of Theatre Studies and the Department of Performing and Digital Arts

Date: May 22

Hours: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Location: Sanctuary of Asklepius at Epidaurus

As part of the postdoctoral research “Performing Epidaurus” on performativity and the performative character of space we propose this workshop in the Epidaurus Sanctuary.

We understand performativity as the capacity of space to influence our mental states and our actions, and the performative character of space as the capacity of the space to be transformed through our actions. The workshop is articulated through small performances carried out in groups or individually by the workshop participants. These small performances can help us understand the relationships we establish with our physical environment. Specifically, we seek to detect the performativity and the performative character of the different spaces that make up the Sanctuary of Asklepios.

The performance-experiments that will be carried out are based on the works that artists from different disciplines have done to understand the relationship between body-performance-and space; such as the famous “Experiments in Environment” by Anna and Lawrence Halprin, the “Viewpoints” by Anne Bogart and Tina Landau, some aspects of “Cleaning the House” by Marina Abramovic, or the actions in “Ciudad Abierta” of the School of Architecture of the Catholic University of Valparaíso, among others.

This experimental work is proposed as a training to be aware of the relationships that we establish between the body and the environment through our actions-performance, so that the participants can establish their own performances as a research tool.


May 19 until 12 pm

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