Informative material related to the paper presentation of the work “Performing Architecture: Collaborative Educational Research in Akronafplia” (Presenters: Stella Dimitrakopoulou – Dimitra Kanellopoulou) which took place during the conference “Performing Space 2023 – Argolida“. The presentation concerns the workshop “One Hour, One Path. Narrations of Akronafplia” created in November 2021 with the participation of staff members (M. Kotzamani, S. Dimitrakopoulou, A. Dimitroulopoulou, V. Psarras) and students from the Department of Performing and Digital Arts and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais (see link). Ms. Stella Dimitrakopoulou was an adjunct lecturer at the Department from 2019-2021.
Videos and three photographs from the work of students of the department which were screened as part of this presentation at the conference.
The students of the department who participated in these projects were: Nikolaos Pappas, Alexandra Stefopoulou, Maria Zora and Ioanna Apostolidi. The Performing Space 2023 conference was a collaboration amongst the Department of Theatre Studies of the University of the Peloponnese, Nottingham Trent University, Università degli Studi di RomaTre and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.