Dr. Tyrone Grima – Queer theatre

Dr. Tyrone Grima – Queer theatre

Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη περιγραφή για τη φωτογραφία.Dr. Tyrone Grima, Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology
Visiting Professor, Erasmus+ Mobility Programme

Queer Performance or queering the performance?


Open to all undergraduate students and faculty
Thursday 14 December, 7-8.30 PM
Vasileos Konstantinou & Aggelou Terzaki – Google Maps

Queer performance is one of the theatircal realities that still escapes definition due to the fludity that is inherent to its very nature. This definiton becomes even more complex when terms such as queer theatre; queer performance; and queer performativity are used interchangably. This lecture will attempt to answer the following questions:

  1. What is queer theatre? 
  2. What makes a performace queer?
  3. What are the dyanmics of queer performance?
  4. What are the themes and patterns that emerge in queer perfomance?

This lecture will also present a brief overview of queer theory to frame the insights presented within the philosophical underpinngs of important theorists such as Michel Foucault, Eve Sedgwick and Sarah Ahmed. The lecture will also offer example and case-studies of interesting case-studies of theatircal works to provoke discussion on how the queer can be integrated into performance.